Title | Date | Description | Who | What | Where | Why |
Tic Tac Toe | Made: 2/29/24 | A simple version of the well-known game, Tic Tac Toe, made with Python coding | Made by King Richardson | A simple version of Tic Tac Toe using the number pad on your keyboard | Python coding off of Code HS | It was going to be my final project for the Python unit, but it didn't come out fully done, but I still enjoy this project |
Title | Date | Description | Who | What | Where | Why |
Love for Bees | Made: 3/12/24 | A fun project that drew a beehive with little bees if you like bees, but if not, shame on you... | Made by King Richardson | My project I made for the Tracy unit of CS | Python coding off of Code HS | This was my final project for the class, and I really like bees <3 |